October 08, 2003


A Linux Distro for Barbie?, is a funny article covering the psychology of girls 4 - 11 and the specs of a new linux desktop.

The next Barbie B-Book desktop will be running BarbieOS 1.0, a linux desktop environment with ReiserFS, KDE, GRUB, ...

"If Barbie were a career-focused woman working in the IT industry in 2003, she would support open standards," he says. "She would be seeking out free and open-source alternatives to current proprietary solutions, saving her company tens of thousands of dollars on management headaches associated with tracking software licenses and preparing for BSA audits. She would be looking at deploying Linux clients on the desktop and Linux servers in the back office. She wouldn't be willing to sacrifice power for features, and she would demand a system that is stable, secure, and easily configurable."

"Barbie would also be tired of Microsoft's licensing bullshit," he added.

Posted by brainsik at October 8, 2003 11:40 AM | TrackBack